Successfully completed Training Program: Product Design, Development & Prototyping

E-Zone HRM Limited yet again successfully completed a 2-day training program in cooperation with EC4J, BPC and BEIOA for the industry personnel of Light Engineering.
Training subject: Product Design, Development & Prototyping.
Venue and date- BEIOA Institute from 23rd May 2022 & to 24th May 2022.
Our trainer for this program not only showed diligence but also maintained professionalism while conducting the sessions. He has rigorously contributed to the development of the light Engineering sector, Mohammad Sakib Hossain, Head of Quality Control of Rahimafrooz Storage Power Business (RSPB).
For better feasibility & practical experience, we facilitated a session at BITAC (Bangladesh Industrial Technical Assistance Center) as regards to participants.
We were accompanied by the distinct presence of Abu Sayed Joarder, Deputy Secretary, EC4J Project, Ministry of Commerce Bangladesh, who appreciated the trainees for their active participation & encouraged them to implement the learning attained from the training in their respective organizations.